Upcoming Event: Women’s Retreat
Women’s Ministry
What WE DO:
The Women of TMB are passionate about making disciples. We do this in several ways:
Women's Bible Study - Go deeper into God's word with sisters in Christ! Bible studies are currently offered two to three times per year. Previous studies have featured the work of renowned authors such as Priscilla Shirer and Beth Moore.
Coffee & Conversations—Come for a continental breakfast before worship on select Sunday mornings from 9:30 to 10:20 a.m. to enjoy time with the incredible women the Lord is bringing together at The Bridge Fairburn!
Service Projects - The Women's Ministry engages in multiple service projects. One of our favorite moments was when we partnered with Operation Mobilization through their Restoring Dignity program - Duffel Bags for Foster Children, which provided comfort and much-needed essentials for children entering the foster care system and partnering with Operation Mobilization.
Community Groups - Our church hosts small group meetings during the week to deepen the church body’s connections with God and each other. While the meetings are co-ed, discussions are sometimes gender-specific, fostering additional mentoring opportunities, discipleship, encouragement, and prayer.
Upcoming Events
Coffee & Conversations (9:30-10:20a)
August 25th
September 8th, 22nd
November 10th
December 8th
Let’s Get Connected
(Please share any questions, comments, or prayer requests. You can also email us at women@thebridgefairburn.com)