Preserve the bond of unity…
As followers of Christ, unity is something we know we should strive for but it often feels like an elusive goal to attain. The problem is that too often we treat unity like sameness. Sameness suggest that we will agree and think alike and when that does not happen, we question if we are walking in unity. However, the Bible elevates unity to something far more precious. It is celebrating our differences, yet laying those aside for the sake of Christ and His Kingdom. Practically speaking, it does not mean we will always agree, but when we experience those moments of contention, we choose Christ.
This section is to help us think biblically about areas that often tear apart Christian communities. Issues like racism, politics, sexuality, and immigration to name a few. Let us preface by saying we don’t have all the answers and probably find ourselves with more questions than we do solutions. However, we want this to be a guide to help educate, challenge and ultimately transform our views to align with God’s Kingdom. Understand that the best way to grow and reshape your view is not only by education, but also by relationship. Most of our views were originally shaped by relationship, so we will need relationships to reshape them.
Understand that these are ever evolving issues and may not be resolved until Christ return, but we persevere seeking to remind and point all of humanity toward that great day when all things will be made right. I hope that you will not grow too weary in the journey.
Below are some recourses to help with the journey toward education. We do want to share that these are only recourses and some are more biblical than others. Also, for the Right Now Media resources you can email info@themidtownbridge.com to gain access.