Prayer is…

It has been asked that if God removed His presence, would the church even know it? The challenge behind that question is for us to examine if we have become too self reliant in our attempts to accomplish spiritual work. Our commitment to or lack of prayer is a great litmus test to answering if that is true.

Prayer is one of the greatest ways God transforms us. It is seeking God, speaking to God, listening to God and waiting on God. It is the steadying force for the life of a Christ-follower.

Fasting Is…

In Matthew 6:16 as Jesus was teaching on daily spiritual living, he made an interesting declaration. He said “Whenever you fast,”. This seems to suggest that fasting would be a part of the life of His disciples. Now, please do not take this as a question of your salvation. However, I do believe we miss out on a precious opportunity in our spiritual growth when we are not willing to fast. Fasting is voluntarily going without food — or any other regularly enjoyed, good gift from God — for the sake of some spiritual purpose. ( We have provided a few resources below to help us in our journey together.